Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Story Poem

Blueness represented the love

She studied French lit and loved children. Her name was Adele and was pretty as her name. One day she fell for a girl who was full of blue from head to toe, and was absorbed in fine arts. Slowly Adele got soaked in blue, more and more. First it was only her jacket and next were her dresses. Ear rings were blue and napkins were blue. Time passed by and they lived together. Adele posed for Emma's painting and many people visited her to see. But Emma is more into talking with her companions who are also into fine arts. She is not proud of Adele who is a kindergarten teacher. "What do you do, Adele?" and she says immediately, "Adele writes. Right?". From a certain point Emma grows out of blue. She gets her period twice a month, would not kiss her, and gets home late after working with Lise. But Adele gets absorbed more and more into blueness. One day Adele feels lonely. Emma notices her untruthfulness and they break up. Instead of growing out of blueness, Adele decides to absorb herself into it until she can get over the feeling. She lets herself float on sea as she feels herself completely into Emma while she is completely away.

One day they meet again. Adele is still in love, she picks blue dress and wears her hear differently. She gets invited to Emma's exhibition.

Again on the day of exhibition, her dress is blue. But now on the wall there are paintings of Lise.
Adele decides to leave early.  

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