Monday, February 1, 2016

Roger Ebert: The Essential Man

First and foremost, I cannot express how impressed I am with Ebert for continuing his passion for writing despite his physical disability. Throughout this piece, I was overwhelmed with a variety of emotions and was amazed by Jones's ability to convey each of these emotions simply through his writing.When he spoke of how he had to have his jaw removed, I was overwhelmed with sadness and empathy. But as I continued reading of his strength and success the tides quickly changed and those feelings of empathy changed to awe.  
The eloquence by which Chris Jones spoke in his writing really tied the story together and was one of the stronger points that helped this piece come together. A good story and someone talented enough to tell it will inevitably lead to a best seller. Although, Chris Jones wrote the story, he was not really a character within it. I could appreciate the third person perspective he used and I thought that really enhanced the experience. There was distance between the narrator, Chris Jones and the main character, Ebert, but I admired how the distance did not make the story any less emotional. Jones’s  writing style does well in making sure the story is told adequately without leaving out any vital details.
Ebert made the most out of his situation- even though he was dealt very unfortunate cards he still managed to make an amazing life for himself. Most would feel pity for him because of his condition, but I have nothing but respect for a man who despite the struggles he underwent, came out on top.

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