Monday, February 1, 2016

Mister Rodgers Blog 2

Everyone knows Mister Rodgers. Multiple generations grew up with him, sang along with him and always put a colored sweater on him with him. Tom Junod created a profile about Mister Rodgers in a new perspective, through the stories Mister Rodgers has saved. Each childhood story starts out as "Once Upon a Time..." and that resonates with how Junod is trying to portray Mister Rodgers as a miracle for children who watched him and felt like themselves, watched him and felt no one can touch them because Mister Rodgers was their neighbor. Junod writes this profile in such a way that brought me to tears because he doesn't describe Mister Rodgers as much as the children that Mister Rodgers touched and helped survive. 
The paragraph where Mister Rodgers takes Junod to his childhood home impacted me because he wasn't even supposed to go in to his own home, his home where he learned everything special that he knows today just by looking through each window. He realizes that he shouldn't go in because '"all the people who made this house special to [him] are not here anyway. They're all in heaven"' (Junod). That moment made me realize this was one of the few moments we learned about Mister Rodger’s childhood and how different this profile is from the others we have read because Mister Rodgers isn't just a man. He recreated lives for children that watched him every weekday. That is all Junod really wanted us to see, how much he impacted the world. Mister Rodgers is seen as a God-like figure in this profile to many of his fans because he is always there if they are in need. He even tells them to pray for him, so they do not get caught up in their problems, but look out for someone else, just like he does. The little moments Junod reveals to us about Mister Rodgers himself such as being color blind and losing his entire family become more memorable because seeing that Mister Rodgers has problems and insecurities makes him all the more human to us. The reason why Mister Rodgers always brought the question back to Tom Junod is the reason why he is known as Mister Rodgers today; he is always there if you need help, just like God. 

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