Monday, April 4, 2016

Workshop: The anti-depressant

An author was once interviewed about writing in general. A quote from him that I can't forget is, "Every book I publish, I die a little inside." I can't rememberer the author name but the quote has stuck with me for a while. It paints a bad picture of writing for me. And a lot of people in my life agree. That to be an artist, means to be depressed. That's not something I want to accept as an inevitability.

 Workshop has shown me what I need to improve on but most importantly that people actually really enjoy my work. This fact, I believe, every writer should constantly remind themselves of. I kept all the notes on where I can improve on from everyone that I agree with but I also kept all the kind and encouraging comments people left for me. I kept those so that if I ever feel like my work is shit, I can be reminded that there is someone out there that loves it.

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