Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Workshop Reflection

Workshop was a great experience. The idea that stuck out to me was letting go of your baby. I had lines in my poem that I was in LOVE with and when I got all your comments back it was clear that what was clear to me and what was straight forward in my interpretation was not for the majority of the audience. I learned a lot reading all of you guys' poems as well. I enjoyed many of them and suggestions that people received on their poems helped me in my editing process and will accompany me in revising my packet. I appreciated all the support and helpful critiques that you all as peers offered. In looking at your work I saw things that I do that may not work and things that I don't do that would work wonderfully. Overall I think it was a great learning experience!

I think it was affirming to see other people grasp with their voice, their subjects, their styles. I enjoyed all the different perspectives we surveyed through each other. I appreciated the variety and diversity we have within this group! It was also incredibly clear to me that writing takes a lot of compromising with yourself. Sometimes what you want is not yet polished enough to write, sometimes what you consider your favorite part of your creation merits its own poem. Thank you so much for your reactions and affirmations and critiques on my poem. I appreciate y'all!


Edwin Unzalu

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