Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Workshop Reflection

 Working on other people's poetry and gettin feedback from many students really helped me a lot in numerous ways. I was able to look at my work more objectively as I heard what others literally "felt" as they were both reading and listening to my poetry. It was interesting, though, how classmates sometimes found more meaning in my poem than what I really meant to put in:) Also, reading other students' work helped me a lot not only because all of them were pretty much amazing but also because they were students' work than a professional's. It was an interesting experience to actually give a feedback to someone else's deep, condensed feelings, while until now I only had a chance to read and guess what the author is really trying to tell me through the poem.
 The only problem I met through the workshop was that I was not able to give deep analysis nor feedback on classmates' poem because of my language barrier. I understood the poems but sometimes it was hard to get the hidden meanings in between the lines or sometimes even behind the letters. Overall, however, the workshop helped me a lot to read and write poetry better!

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